Why Mickey’s Discrimmination is Kabkui Theater by way of Atwater

3 min readJun 22, 2024

So according to various articles Disney discrimminates against people with disabilities, white men, women, Asians, black children I mean the list goes on. I have found articles stating the company is an equal-opportunity discrimminator. So either Disney is the most discrimminatory company in the world or someone isn’t telling the truth.

So according to the company’s diversity dashboard and their release of employee data here is the percentages of employees by race and ethicnicity in 2023.


Giving these actual facts, and not some doctored conversations done for publicity, I will say that if Disney is discrimminating against white people it’s not doing a very good job. I mean especially since 70% of its staff in the executive suite are white. Which definitley falls in line with the rest of the Fortune 500 companies in the U.S.

So what’s going on here? To know what’s going on all you have to do is to go back to the 1981 when Lee Atwater, the southern Republican operative laid out the Republicans’ strategy to turn the American political system into a cesspool of lowest common denominator politics. (Disclaimmer there are some offensive words in this quote…”

Here’s what Lee said…”You start out in 1954 by saying, “Ni*ger, ni*ger ni*ger” By 1968 you can’t say “ni*ger”…




Executive design leader in ML/AI, Karaoke specialist, cold-water swim enthusiast, 3x Ironman — yep that’s me! Living life like it's golden.