I’m wondering Jo then maybe we can co-write a piece together. Bringing in both our perspecties, knowledge and expertise. I highly admire your work and I often use it with my students and I love that you’re doing this. But I am fatigued with my students thinking that what we do in human centered desing began with Western culture. It did not. For example, human centered design often starts with understanding humans at a cultural and psychological level. And many practiconers use Maslow’s hierarchy of needs as a starting point. I don’t.
I use Max-Neef because thhis humna needs framework was built on a much broader cultural landscape than Maslow’s and is more inclusive. I’ve brought this framework to Microsoft and people are using it to create new and innovative AI technologies. But if I’m not in the room this doesn’t get said. So the key is to co-create, and co-participate and co-develop right?
Maybe we can explore a piece together that would help to broaden the externalization of this process, industry and philosophy we both love so much.